#5: Monday Musings - Positivity In the Time of Corona
Maintaining a positive mindset is always both challenging and necessary, but 2020 is offering up the master class in how to stay the course. This episode features a few thoughts on how to quiet the clamor (both internal and external) so you can even begin to focus on forward momentum. Definitely NOT a comprehensive list, but, hopefully, a friendly reminder that you’re not alone and this, too, shall pass. Check out a few helpful recommendations below!
Start Right Where You Are. Samantha Bennett
Jessica’s Daily Affirmations. (no, this is not Steph!)
Work From Home Solutions. Thrive Global
Fostering Employee Productivity and Morale through COVID-19. McKinsey, June 2020
What Happens to Gym Equipment During COVID-19. MindBody, March 2020
Leadership In a Crisis. McKinsey, March 2020
These Strategies Will Help You End the Workday When You Work From Home. Thrive Global, April 2020
Coronavirus Lockdowns Are Making the Workday Longer. CBS, August 2020
The New Normal Isn’t Remote Work. It’s Better. Forbes, May 2020